

  WE ALL HAVE ISSUES  I am SKINNY! And I have body issues too. We all have had a moment, where we stepped in front of the mirror and tucked our stomach in or protruded our butt just to envision how our perfect body would look like. I feel like when anyone speaks of not having a positive body image, we naturally think of a “fat” ( if that should even be a word) person wanting to be skinny. But today, I want to talk about the opposite. Growing up as a black girl, I lived in a community where the majority of the women were thick with beautiful curves. Being among the few who just wasn’t built like that, I was constantly made fun of. For having lanky legs and being compared to a stick. This triggered a lot of insecurity and wanting to alter myself. At first I didn’t think anything of it, but all of a sudden, I started to think that nothing fit right, my butt should be a little bigger or I needed to put on a little weight ( maybe that would help my lemon looking breasts). I started feeling


A GUIDE TO LOVING YOURSELF.   If you’re like me, self love was a concept that you probably didn’t know about or paid attention to until the past few years. This is mainly because  Most parents (at least mine) do not teach their children self love and it’s importance  Teachers are not trained to teach students what self love is. We as teenagers, especially in the black community, had to go through something at some point in our lives to actually teach ourselves what self love is. For me, it was the constant comparison between me and other family members. I have parents who always felt the need to compare me to others when it came to education, character, life choices, just to mention a few. It took awhile for me to understand that they had the best intentions, but the damage was already done. I went through a period of not feeling like I was good enough. I constantly doubted myself and I didn’t like me. Not loving myself affected me in all aspects of my life: school, relationship with f


 THE BEGINNING   I’m not one to follow through with an idea or venture, especially if it occurs to me on a whim. But blogging I will say, has been one of the very few that has stuck with me for for a couple of months. So why not! Might be the start of something exhilarating. Hi, my name is Jean, and welcome to my blog, Très Jean. 19 years old, black, female (just in case anyone is wondering), an exhausted college student, homebody and a whole lot of other adjectives that I keep discovering about myself day in day out; I’m a teenager after all.  I discovered my love for writing about two years ago. Blogging however, was something that never occurred to me until recently. If we are to be honest, there aren't many black teenage girls who are bloggers. We go through a whole lot of things, and we need an outlet to connect and feel like we're not alone.  I still have a little journal, where I write poems and thoughts and how I'm truly are feeling inside. Parts of my life that I&#